Thursday, December 25, 2008

Well, they both are giving the peace sign... right?
Merry Christmas my friends.
These two beautiful pictures were taken by my wonderful 14 year old son. He can work the camera like no one's business. Of course you know I had to buy him his own this year.
This has been a very trying holiday season. No one received a bonus at work this year because of one person deciding to embezzle money (and LOTS of it). I used cash and cash only to Christmas shop. That worked out really well. I felt a little guilty about not buying for people I usually buy for. But that's O.K. who needs stuff anyway. Stuff never really makes you happy anyway. The hubby and I had a pact that neither of us were to buy for the other, so I didn't. He did. Shame on him! Now I feel bad. He bought me a set of onion soup bowls. I don't eat it, but I do make a mean onion soup. I guess he was trying to give me a hint or something... I miss my parents today. I will see them next weekend, that's cool. We will spend the rest of the day with friends and I am looking forward to that.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.
...and of course to be P.C. whatever you do and don't celebrate, I hope today is a wonderful day anyway!



Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

LOl, I love those images, the kids are makingn me laugh.
Embezzeled cash hey, thats sad, we had this at my high school, the treasurer of all people..she once came to school in a red convertable and that set tongues wagging, then we knew why... sad people.
Hope Christmas day was great :)

9:19 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Thanks Cazzie, it was a great day.

I don't know how she can live with herself for doing that to us. Shame on her, that could make this little company fold.

Hope your holiday was awesome too!

8:55 AM  

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