Think about that for a minute, where were you ten years ago? I know where I was. Baby Girl was born 10 years ago. We celebrated her birthday on Friday November 18, 2005. Yep, MY baby is now a double digit demon (ummm not really, that just sounded good..)! LOL!!!
Here I am full term preggers with the little princess herself.
Here is Little Man at the time she was born (Isn't he a doll?!).
Here is my Baby Girl when she was 3 days old. OK Shut up I know those thighs are GI-NORMOUS!!!
I am so glad she is here and she is mine. She is the spitting image of me (which is scarey for her).
I have been a little blue this weekend thinking that this roller coaster ride of mommyhood is 1/2 over and the REAL fun hasn't even started yet (teenagerhood). I can honstly say I love being their mom. But I am a kid snob, I don't like just any and all kids. I think a lot of parents out there need to step up and get their kids in check. If they can't raise them, they shouldn't breed them. I know that sounds mean but... I am so sick to death trying to explain to my kids why so many kids out there are mean/nasty/hateful, etc. I shouldn't have to. I simply tell my kids that,"Their mommies didn't love them enough to teach them any better than that..." what more can I tell them?
Thank God I have the kids I have, they fit me just right.
first of all, let me start off by saying YOU are not boring. AND thank you very much for my new found fear of losing the end of a q-tip in my ear. I am a chronic ear q-tipper. it's a sickness really. I'll go to the dr complaining that my ears itch me 24 hours a day and she says ...stop q-tipping. leave them alone. But, I can't.
I can't believe that is a picture of you FULL term! That's how I look now and I'm just over half way there. I thought I popped out a couple weeks ago. you should see me now. I look like i did with crofton at about 8 months!
you're kids are so cute! I, like you, only like a handful of other peoples kids I know. And i agree, it comes down to the parents. Pure laziness. They can't be bothered to spend time with these little beings they created, so they stick them in front of a tv and let the tv do the raising for them. it infuriates me.
how cute!
And gotta love hairstyles of the mid 90s!!!
Cher-thanks (about saying I'm not boring) and you are so welcome about the q-tips. I have had that fear for years, LOL!!
To think I weigh the same now 10 years later as I did in that pic, LOL!!! Thanks for the compliments too!!!
lbseahag-curly perms were such the thing, I am so glad THAT'S over! LOL!!!
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