Saturday, November 12, 2005

I'M BAAACK............

So I didn't have too much to say about the week past so I figured I would just lurk around other people's blogs. You really start to learn a little something about how other people think. Some people just hate life and need some serious Prozac. Then you have the other people who post things just a "little too nice" (you know they are only saying certain things because people they are trying to impress are reading it). Some people are just really snotty and sarcastic (and funny). Then of course you have my favorite, the "horny little devils". All in all I have to say that I do enjoy what other people write. There are a lot of talented people (and NOT).

I met up with my best GF for a little bit this afternoon. Lo and behold she said c'mon over I'll be ready in a few minutes.... I left here about a half hour after she said that and it takes me about 15-20 to get there. When I walked in she had just gotten out of the shower and she was in her full glory, ugh! This means, yes there will be quite the wait (and there was). So I surfed the net, checked and answered my e-mail. Got something to eat and watched 1/2 of Weekend at Bernie's 2. When she was ready to go out (this is the kicker) we were too late for the sale at a certain store that we had planned to visit 3 days prior. Fancy that! We were late (again) to something because of her. So we went somewhere else. Which was fine. We went to the World Market and she spent about an hour trying to decide on a good wine. I really need to go friend shopping. When I left there I was planning on hooking up with the ever-predictable hubby. We had planned to go to Stickey Fingers and eat like pigs. Needless to say we are waiting for a Papa John's Pizza delivery guy as I am writing this. I swear the people in my life are really toxic to my sanity. Thank God my kid are quazai normal... (yeah, but look who's talking). Yes I rant and rave and complain endlessly, but I do know one thing for sure all the people who surround me love me no matter what. As much as I tend to be too emotional and let it all hit me where it hurts. I know that people don't mean to hurt/annoy/bother me intentionally. I guess it's all right after all...


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