Sunday, November 27, 2005


That is about all I can say right now. My husband is a dumb shit! We got home last night after 7 hours on the road (7 HOURS!). It is a 4 hour drive, I hate I-95 during holiday traffic. Anyway he has been an ass all morning. I am so ready to just pack a bag and leave. I don't care if he is tired or frustrated, don't take your issues out on me! I got a cat bed for one of my cats that insists on sleeping on my bedroom floor. He tossed it in to the living room vowing that the cat will not sleep in our room. Well, she has slept there forever and I was thinking of a way to wash where she sleeps so his allergies won't bother him so bad. He starts getting stupid saying that I am choosing the cat over him. Ummmm STUPID!!! I am trying to make YOUR life better! He just can't see it JUST because I married the most self centered narcissistic asshole on the planet! OOOooooo everything that happens on this earth is all about him. Good or bad it just happens to affect him. Yeah he thrust us in to bankruptcy and ruined OUR credit, but was that HIS fault??? NOOOOO!!!!! It happened because the government is trying to keep him down. Ummm... NO, it is called you are toooooo stupid to listen to your wife and get your shit together and you dragged me down with you! So come January I am making him give me his share of the house, build up my credit and get our lives in order. If he wants to tag along fine, if not, SEE YA!!!!

I am so freakin sick of living with stupidity! My best GF is as stupid as he is. Maybe they should start dating!!!

So anyone out there want a new friend? I am looking for someone who is non-toxic and has a mind of their own. You know what I mean, someone who doesn't feed off of others. I am sick of being knocked down and stepped on. I just want people to be normal!!!

Thanks for listening, venting is SOOOOO sweet!


Blogger cher said...

sure! sign me up for this club too! i honestly feel like i am the only normal person out there. my husband and I just shake our heads at some of the mellodrama people wrap their lives around. we have a handful of friends, and that's just fine, you know? no more retards... we live such a relaxed healthy life, it baffles people. BAFFLES people? come on...cut out the shit and you can be happy too!

6:41 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

AMEN!!! and can I have a hallaluya!!! People always say my house is so peaceful and my kids are so cool... Umm... why wouldn't it be and why wouldn't they be??? Stop letting the rest of the world rule how you think and concentrate on what makes you happy. It is REALLY not that hard!!! Honest!

Thanks for making me feel like I am not too out there, sometimes I need a little re-affirmation.

7:43 PM  
Blogger cher said...

you're good enough, and smart enough, and doggone it, people like you!

1:26 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Thanks *smile* I needed that...

5:20 PM  

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