Thursday, January 22, 2009


There was a "thug" looking guy sitting next to me at the cell phone store. (yeah, I know it's not P.C., so what?) He was waiting his turn with a cute little boy who had his shoes on the wrong feet and you know me... I struck up a conversation with him. He looked kinda scary at first he was big and imposing. (anyway) I made a comment that if I wore my shoes like that it would kill my feet. He agreed and said the little boy was his youngest of 4. The guy didn't look older than 25. We talked about raising kids and he said it is hard when they are all little, he and his wife work 2 jobs, etc. Then I sat there thinking to myself. If I had just seen this guy on the street, I would think twice about him just by the way he looked. He definitely looked gentler the more I talked to him. By the time I left he kind of restored my faith in people and helped reaffirm what I already knew about not judging a book by its cover. Think what you want about what I just said, but it's true. We all have preconceived notions about people, good bad or indifferent. I was expecting this guy to maybe give me a one or two word comment after I engaged him in conversation, just like most men. He just started talking. It was refreshing. I am tired of people always being so private and not talking to strangers. Look, I'm bored too and this brief moment that I am talking to you helps pass the time. I am not going to stalk you or follow you home. If you didn't want to talk to me, I can take a hint and I understand body language. But for once, I was pleasantly surprised.



Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I love it when I'm surprised like this!

3:12 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Me too!

4:05 PM  
Blogger mama biscuit said...

I'm guilty of making the same assumptions. It's nice when you're proven wrong.

4:10 PM  
Blogger ~SugarBear~ said...

I often try to chat with people when waiting and am usually greeted with a comment or two at most. Every once in awhile, I have an experience like this one. So refreshing!

Love the blog, will come back to visit often.

2:04 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

It really IS nice and I too love being pleasantly surprised...

Welcome ~SugarBear~ nice to meet you. Come on in, grab a seat and enjoy the company.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

I so agree, and in my line of work you cannot afford to assume anything :)

7:12 AM  

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