Thursday, June 19, 2008


I am, BUT they are a messy bunch. My house was immaculate when they were gone and now it looks like a whirlwind happened. I guess I should have expected it.
My son is starting to get back in to his old tricks. I am about to enroll him in a summer program to keep him away from the dregs that he thinks he needs to hang with. There are two boys that are straight out of the movie "Deliverance", they are brothers and as evil as you can imagine. Well my son is a follower and thinks these guys are really cool. So of course he wants to do what they are doing. Lucky us, they live right around the corner from us. What are we supposed to do to keep them away from our kids? There was a house that burned down just before my son left for Panama and the older brother texted him a picture of it. Now I am beginning to wonder if the boy had set the fire... I don't trust them at all. Their parents are almost non-existent as you can well imagine so talking to them won't ever happen. Next thing you know these two will probably start building pipe bombs or start with the whole drug scene.
What is a good mother to do?
I want what is best for my son and I have no idea what to do or where to take him or what to enroll him in. If he made better friends or better choices on his own I wouldn't worry so much. He has always had poor judgment and will probably continue to do so for his entire life. I have a brother that is the same exact way. I want better for him. He is a sweet kid with a great big heart. I love him so much and he just doesn't realize the impact of things.
Wish me luck.

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Blogger mama biscuit said...

Boy, that is rough. It definitely sounds like he needs to be involved in something to keep him occupied and away from them, though I have no idea what that would be.

I'm not much help, am I?

11:35 AM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

....but you ARE adorable! That counts!

1:32 PM  

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