Thursday, March 06, 2008

MY SON.....

Is an idiot.
Yep, that's right he is an idiot.
I don't know where he gets it from, not from the hubby and certainly not from me. He just got ISS (in school suspension).
He got caught on the bus video camera shooting beebees through a pea shooter. O.K. I get the fact that he is 13. BUT this is the kid that is as lazy as can be in school. He works hard trying to get out of doing his work. He is a good kid around the house. He does as he is told, he keeps his room clean, he is a good boy with a big heart. (Yes Penni he is a big HUGE goof...) But when it comes to school he is as lazy as an old dog on a hot summer day. He is completely without any emotion when it comes to school. The hubby got a call from the assistant principal regarding our favorite little shit. *heavy sigh* Now my house is a battle ground. We have tried everything with him, he just doesn't care, not even a little bit.

Any suggestions?

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Blogger mama biscuit said...

Not to discourage you but I was the exact same way at his age. I simply did not care. Hopefully he won't turn out like me.

As for suggestions. Gosh, I don't know. Maybe get him involved in some community outreach programs volunteering to help the less fortunate. Show him where his path is leading him. He needs to realize that the comfortable life you provide him does not come for free and that education is vital if he wants to make in life.

Either that or beat him senseless.

I'm kidding :)

Hugs to you my dear!

11:44 AM  
Blogger The Q said...

Dang. That's a tough one because I do think a lot of kids go through the same thing. Unfortunately, some don't realize their mistake until it's too late and they feel like it's too late to change anything.

I'm assuming you've eliminated any learning issues and if so then it just boils down to motivation. Is there anyone that you can have talk to him that can possibly get through to him? Someone he idolizes that has been through this and got back on track?

I was the exact opposite kid, I cared WAY too much about disappointing my parents/ you don't want him to end up like me either. There HAS to be a happy point in the middle ;-)

5:13 PM  
Blogger MBCBUYB said...

I. Hated. School.

Still do. There was just something about being forced to spend time within specific walls during specific times. I spent every moment I was forced to be there struggling against it. I wanted to do everything MY way, when I wanted it.

When forced to do something, I would do it and do it well, but resent it at the same time.

Looking back, it was just a very selfish viewpoint that I don't believe I ever could have understood back then.

What broke me out of it was actually going a step further to ensure I could do things my way. Started a company when I was 14. (Find something he likes to do. There's a market for it. The internet provides a nice neat front. My deal was web design.)

With that, I was doing things MY way. I set the hours I wanted to 'work'. I set the amount I wanted to charge. It gave me some control in my day-to-day structure and it had a profound impact.

I later went on to ditch high-school in a similar fashion. I opted to complete my diploma through correspondence course-work from a local university. This allowed me to get my regular diploma while not being forced to attend school.

Honestly, I'm quite tired right now so I'm not sure if I am making any sense at all but I do hope it may help to provide a unique viewpoint.

1:32 AM  
Blogger Melly` said...

Oh - there is nothing you can do except tell him what you expect of him... repeat it.. love him...

It is just terribly hard work being a parent. I know he is a lovely boy... You will feel like a broken record and absolute frustration takes over... but there isnt anything you can do.

Go fishing. Watch the water for a while and just remember it all does get better.

5:07 AM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Thank you all, you helped me put it in to perspective. I love him with me whole heart and I just want him to love himself like I love him.

Whoever said,"when you have a child you spend the rest of your life watching your heart walk around outside your body..." was right.

8:06 PM  
Blogger cher said...

well, i too hated school and had no ambition.
i dunno what to tell you.
i guess bring him to a juvie detention hall for an afternoon and tell him that's where all the beebee pea shooters go? leave him there...go get a coffee and then go back and pick him up. let him sweat.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

I have a daughter not sure how to deal with boys lol..and I stopped at 1 cause she was enough...sorry mama hope it gets better , but I would take all electronics away from him till he improves and maybe do yard work, and even do volunteer work for the poor and homeless to give him an insite on things

3:44 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

I have a daughter not sure how to deal with boys lol..and I stopped at 1 cause she was enough...sorry mama hope it gets better , but I would take all electronics away from him till he improves and maybe do yard work, and even do volunteer work for the poor and homeless to give him an insite on things

3:44 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

I have no words of wisdom, but I do have a 13 year old who just brought home a progress report with 2 F's on it. If you find something that works, make sure you pass along the secret. ;)

7:39 PM  

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