Monday, March 03, 2008


So far so good, she is getting better, that's what counts.

So, I want to let you in on a little secret. I'm a bitch. No, really I am. We have a little dimwit that works here. She is a fairly new mom, her baby is 4 months old and I understand that being a new mom is hard thing to do. I did it twice, I know from first hand experience. She is 19 and really immature. O.K. here is where I think I am a bitch.
She gets to work at 9:00 and at 9:15 she goes in to pump breast milk. She is in there for about 1/2 an hour. She takes a lunch break from 12:00-1:00 and at 1:15 she pumps for another 1/2 hour. Sometimes she does it again in the later afternoon. I understand pumping, I did it. BUT (here comes the bitch) she is getting paid to sit in there and do that! Why can't she pump before she clocks in and why can't she pump during lunch???
O.K. rant over. I don't care if she pumps, I could really care less, but if I were to take a hour out of my day and stop working, I would NOT get paid for it. Same goes for all the smokers that work here. I do not smoke and go out 4-5 times a day for 15 minute "smoke breaks". They get paid while they are puffing and she gets paid while she's pumping.
No, I have never ever said anything nor would I.
Am I totally off base to be feeling this way?



Blogger Manda Girl said...

I don't think that's bitchy, I would totally think the same thing. But sometimes, I think I'm bitchy! LOL!

5:56 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Welcome and thanks for the vote of confidence, LOL!

7:25 PM  
Blogger The Q said...

I used to wish that my lungs weren't so bad that I could smoke just so I could take as many breaks as some of my co-workers.

Now if that isn't an indication of how much I hated my job at the time, then I don't know what is?!? ;-)

Seeing as I never had kids, the likelihood that I could use the "I have to go pump" excuse was slim to none.

I don't think it's fair either, but can you imagine if a non-smoker just went outside and stood around? You just know people would "tattle".

7:51 PM  
Blogger Melly` said...

I am a smoker and I do worry about how my non smoking colleagues view my smoke breaks. They certainly dont take 15 minutes though. My non smoking colleagues seem to .. amuse themselves with chatter and giggles.. and I usually feel that time they waste is equivalent to my time outside with my dreadful addiction.

I dont know.. I do always worry my colleagues are pissed at me when I leave for a cigarette.

5:17 AM  

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