Please keep that good Karma and prayers an/or positive energy flowing my way. I went to the Dr. again yesterday only to be told that I have to see the cardiologist on the 28th and they will be scheduling surgery for "other issues" after that. I am positive that I am perfectly fine and they all are making a mountain out of a mole hill. I got a little worried when "L"<-my Dr. said (with an oddly furrowed brow),"I have never in all my years seen anything like this..." Gee what a way to make a chick feel good! I think it must be a conspiracy, I have ALWAYS been healthy. Perfect blood work, perfect PAPs, perfect weight range. I haven't gained a pound in almost 12 years. I mean I eat right I exercise (now) and I feel pretty good.
I think since I'm turning 40 in June they are just trying to freak me out. Kinda like a great big PUNKED! Let's punk Big Mama...
I know in my heart that everything is going to be O.K. I really do.
Just so you all know, you do rule and I really do appreciate you more than you will ever know. I will be back to my oddly wonderful self soon, I promise.
Labels: health
Big Mama, your heart is too freakin sweet to be broken! It's just not possible! Positive vibes are coming your way babe, hold on!
It IS a conspiracy no doubt! Don't buy into it. You are fine...no you're better than fine, you're GREAT!
Hang in there and please keep us posted.
Oh and all those warm and fuzzy things buzzing around you are just good vibes from me. No worries.
You have all my thoughts and best wishes.
I have a cardio issue that just came about all of a sudden. But after tests it was found out that I was born that way, it only took 26 years to find it. I hope that you are okay and that things will be fine.
Sending positive wishes!
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na ....BAAAA-LLLLOOOOOOWWWWWIIIIIEEEEE
Today's good vibes come'n at ya!!!
Thanks everyone. Like I've said before, you all RULE! I keep telling my parents and the hubby, we'll know everything we need to know in less than a month. They haven't scheduled my surgery yet because they want to see what the heart-doc says. After that we are going to schedule the surgery, they can rip out what they deem necessary and pathology will give us a call saying,"You've just been punked...it was nothing...." I am reading your blogs when I get minutes here and there. So, thanks again...
I'm sending a shed load of positive vibes over the Atlantic .
Pshaw. You're going to be FINE! FINE! FINE! You can't not be fine cause you're my favorite Mama and I say so! So there! Ha!
Thank you for the comment on my blog dear....but I'm SO sorry to hear your going through similiar issues becuase I know how much it BITES!
I'm thinking of you and wishing good things your way. Right this very second even!
Big Mama, I can't stand the suspence, just the nurse inmme I guess, what exactly is this all about?
Still sending you the "You're fine" vibes, just so you know ;-)
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