Our funding fell through for the pool...
We are going to try again, wish us luck.
Yesterday afternoon I took my son to a local park just to hang and chill. He brought his Ripstik and I brought my camera.
I needed time to enjoy him without the thoughts of school or being grounded or anything else that comes with the daily grind.
He is such a great kid and I know that. I really do appreciate the fact that I am lucky enough to be his mom. (No, that is his ring finger...)
I think about how my nephew is gone and I didn't have more of a chance to savor our friendship. I was very close to my nephew, he loved the fact that I listened to him and never judged him. He could tell me anything and he did. Some things I didn't want to hear, but I appreciated the fact that he felt secure enough in me to confide in me. I only wish I had more time with him.Other than that, I have no regrets.
I want the same with my own son (children). I don't want to have any regrets (so far so good). I don't want his childhood to slip away with us saying I wish I had, I should have or I could have. Childhood is so fleeting
and adulthood is forever, no need to push it.
He might be going through a difficult time right now but. But seeing you 2 together, I can see that he has an amazing bond with you. When i was a kid in trouble, I never felt like I could talk to my parents because they were always coming down on me. They never took time to LISTEN.
You're doing good sweetie, he'll find his way. Can't way to see the pics...he's such a cutie.
I saw kids on those things (Ripstiks) a couple weeks ago at the Little League Opening Day thing. I thought they were SO cool. I wanted to try one but I just knew I'd break my butt if I even got on one.
Obviously, you're doing a great job of raising both your kids and I have no doubt that he'll come through this time of his life without too much trouble.
I love his smile. It seems like his hair is a little shorter and less shaggy than when I saw him in person.
It is! He got in trouble at school and I cut it all off.... Yes, that is the evil-mamasita in me...
Not that his haircut looks bad but I like it shaggy best...it just suits him. On the other hand, I totally understand you cut it.
I'm curious, what does R say about her brother's troubles. Have you talked privately with her to see if she has any insight or suggestions that may help you guide him?
I totally love the long shaggy hair, it really is him, but sometimes a mama has to do what a mama has to do...
She is such a wise little soul. She suggests that we don't raise our voices around him because it only makes him "shut down" (that was her words). She also says that he has no self confidence and that he is afraid to make mistakes so why should he try at all. I swear she is the next Einstein!
Great pics, I agree savour the moments, they go too fast.
Yeah Miranda your kids are big now and you can attest to the fact that childhood is so fleeting...
Nice to see you, I haven't seen much of you lately.
He's so big! I forget he's the same age as my son.
I love the honesty and true love in this post. I love those images. I look at my eldest and think, omg, he is 11 this week, and he is so gorgeous still. Time flys doesn;t it...I want them to stop growing,
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Sherri- He really is getting big, they just need to STOP that!
Nice to see you Cazzie!!! My heart still swells with pride when it comes to my kids, they are so smart and beautiful and I made them, WOW! That is so cool... Gotta love em!
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