*Thought for the day*
Just a thought here, but I think Jude Law

is the voice for the Geico Gecko

just a thought....
*P.S. I adore those commercials...*
Labels: tftd
Thoughts, jumbled, often misspelled, unorganized, insightful, strange, irrelevant, awesome, mine.
*P.S. I adore those commercials...*
Labels: tftd
Jude Law is a smoookin' hottie! LOL
I'd buy car insurance from him!
Lol..never thought of it before, now Im really going to have to pay attention.
Sherri- MMMmmHmmmm.... *grin*
I heard a clip of Jude Law on the radio now I just KNOW it's him. I saw the commercial and yep, it just HAS to be!
I've seen that add a few times and I would be surprised if it was Jude Law, he does Mockney far better than that.
Was right
this is the actor who does the voice, accoring to Wiki not 100% sure
Gareth-You know what? I actually never thought to actually look it up....*heehee* Yes I am a big dork!~
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