Monday, July 16, 2007


I know you all missed me. It shows because 7 of you commented so sweetly! This is why I keep coming back here, the positive feedback keeps me going....

Well, we changed directions right after we got in the car. We had to go over to my hubby's bank then as we were sitting there counting the cash..... We looked at each other and decided we didn't want to spend the money on the hotels and gas so we decided to head south instead. We went to Jacksonville to the beaches, Adventure Landings and the Jacksonville Zoo. We had a blast!
I love spur of the moment ideas! They totally rule!
Oh and I know a certain few of you are wondering where the pics are, well sorry to disappoint but I left my camera here. Yes for once I was being selfish and didn't want to carry it around. Probably a good thing after all though. When we were at the zoo checking out the monkeys/gorillas a HUGE lightening storm with driving cold rain came through forcing us to seek shelter immediately! We ran for cover, stayed there shaking for quite a while, made a run for it (to the exit) and decided we had been there long enough. The ride home was horrible we had what appeared to be a white out most of the way and driving on I-95 at 35-40 mph makes for a very looong ride home. I really enjoyed getting away with my family. Rain or no rain it's all good when I have them around.

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Blogger The Q said...

Welcome home! We DID miss you but I'm glad you had a nice time. Too bad about the rain though.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Mia said...

Smiles big WELCOME HOME!!!!

8:10 AM  

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