Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Per Cazzie!!!'s orders (heehee) I'm here with an update! Yep, I'm all moved in. Well if you call sitting around a bunch of boxes moved in, then I'm moved in. Friday night we closed, it's official, signed sealed and delivered. My folks came up and were waiting at the house with the kids when we got home. So of course with key in hand we drove out to the new house to look around one more time before the big move. We didn't get to dinner until about 9:00. Poor dad, he was starving. We went back to the old house and everyone went to bed. The hubby and I were too excited to sleep so we layed there talking and reassuring each other that everything is going to be O.K. It was kind of scare thinking that we now have 3 mortgages to keep up with. We'll be ok though.
So Saturday morning came fast!!! My hubby's best friend Insane came up to help us. He had to drive an hour, brought his truck and trailer and was ready to roll. I fed them a huge breakfast and it started. They took all the big stuff first. After they made the first run, Hubby with his truck and trailer, Insane, his truck and trailer and Pops with his truck, my brother, his wife and spawn showed up. The sis-in-law loaded up the kitchen, I was bleaching the bathrooms and Moms was patching little holes and painting. We got pizza about 6:00 and called it a day. All the big stuff was moved. We all slept in the new house. I couldn't sleep at all!!! My mind was racing. Sunday we went and finished up everything. Locked it up and I haven't looked back since.
SO! Now we are in the new house and Baby Girl decides to spend the next two weeks with the grand-folks! TWO WEEKS!!!! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HER FOR TWO WEEKS!!!!!
So we are in the new house now and all is well. I am still getting used to the hardwood floors (they are cold in the morning). The cats are coming out of hiding. Little Man is adjusting quite well!!! So I can say without a doubt, I'm glad we are there and in and getting settled. I'll have more updates after I get the cable hooked up Thursday (my birthday).
Thanks for all your support my friends!


Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Yea Big Mama!! (cartwheels across my living room) Congrats!

5:21 PM  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

It's Thursday here now in the land Down HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!
Congrat's on the new the name of your hubbie's best friend..that's Insane, LOL (Couldn't resist it!!)
It certainly is nice once all the moving is done and you lovk the door of the other place though isn't it? Any pictures of the outside of the new place? Would be lovely to see...

9:33 PM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

LOL! Sherri, thanks for the visual, I can't even DO a cartwheel...

Oh Cazzie!!! You are so sweet thanks! It's kind of strange not going back to the old house, but it feels good. I have posted it before but I'll hook you up after we get the internet up and running at the new house...

7:56 AM  
Blogger Gareth said...

blimey that was quick.

I have friends who have taken months to move ion from the offer being accepted to actually getting the keys.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

Guess this answers my question from your newer post! Glad things are working out for you!

I have hardwood floors in my house and love it--less allergies! :)

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

9:59 AM  

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