I waited for what seemed like forever for Ty & Tysgirl to make it here all the way from Tennessee.
They showed up, we hugged, we ate and I sent them on their merry way to find their hotel (hoping I didn't get them lost).
The next day we got together and I showed them around. I am the WORST tour guide on earth, let me just say that! Just imagine a tour guide that knows very little about the city, can't parallel park, doesn't have pocket change to pay for parking (and bums it from Ty) and has no mercy on her guests. YEP, I dragged them all over Savannah. Like it or not they saw the parts of the Big SAV that I like.
We ate, we shopped and we took pictures. Ty was such a trooper, he hung in there carrying our bags and didn't even complain. Not to mention he is really funny. They make the best couple you could ever imagine.
You know I met Tysgirl though SoozieQ and I can't thank her enough. I left them back at the hotel yesterday afternoon and I miss them. It has been raining here today and I feel bad about it, like I had something to do with it??? I just want them to go home rested and rejuvenated, not having to go home to relax from their vacation.
IT IS KICKASS! No wonder she is so good, her camera rocks and her lenses make me so envious. I will never be as good as she is and I'm O.K. with that. As long as she continues to share her pics with me I will always be one happy camper.
Can I just say that I am so happy that I popped the IRL cherry with this adorable couple?
Thank you two for including me in you lives. I feel so very lucky.
Labels: fun, savannah, tybee island, Tysgirl, visitors
Well since it's raining, we're sitting in our hotel this evening blogging.
Don't listen to a word she says people. She is a kick ass tour guide.
For starters, when she picked us up from the hotel, she had fresh home made cookies in the car for us. Ummmm, hellooooo........how many tour guides bring fresh baked goods?
I could go on and on and on and on about all the ways Big Mama rocks, but I'm going to save that for my blog.
We had the best time and we wub you to pieces!
...and I wub you right back!
Dang you two, get a hotel room!
Wait, Tysgirl already has a hotel room, but that won't work 'cause Ty will be there. Or maybe....NAH! Not going into the gutter with this one.
I just KNEW that when I gave the Blog Shout-Out to Tysgirl that my readers would just love her to pieces! :-)
I'm so glad you guys got to meet! 3 less virgins, how cool.
Big Mama, if she ever comes my way, I will be the worst EVER tour guide....cussin like a trucker the whole time, so dont worry one bit!
Sooz- Face it, you rock!
Just lil o you- thanks for stopping by and joining in on our wub-fest!
Oh and trucker-cussin is all good with me!
I have to back tysgirl on this one... Big Mama is quite the tour guide. It was really a joy to meet her and her family. We enjoyed getting away for a few days, seeing Sav and the ocean, but most of all meeting the "Mama's". They are quite the family. I can only hope we get to return the hospitality one day soon. THANKS!! Big Mama!!
...oh yeah, it was all great except when the dog bit me in the face and sent me a way bleeding. ;) hee hee
Saw Alley's pic on the front page and couldn't resist. I like the flicker strip.
Thanks Tyguy, you are much too kind. Oh and I'm sure Tysgirl can Photoshop the bloody scab out of the pics...sorry...
Oh - it is true friendship when your dog bites them! We have had all kinds of pets bite our best friends!
Do tell the dog bite story!
Sounds wonderful for all of you!
Don't worry, I could be your twin when it comes to being 'tour guide'. LOL
Not much to the "dog bite" story. Actually it wasn't even a bit. Miss Alley and I met in the middle ... my nose and her chin. Not too much drama, just rib'n Big Mama.
Miss u guys! Work and Dr Appointments suck.... would rather be back in GA. :)
See? Everyone having fun, getting together in real life. That does it. I am going to take a road trip, hitting multiple random destinations, knocking on random doors, tell random people that they should randomly know me from the blogosphere, eat some of their food, and hit the road.
Now if only gas prices weren't so high...
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