Monday, October 09, 2006

ME...A LAME ASS BLOGGER!....Yeah...I guess so....
O.K. so I haven't really taken the time to sit, ponder and write. I post sillies or pics or both... Just remember that there really is an intelligent person in here just dying to get out. No, really! LOL!
Oh! Hey! I just bought Anne Leibovitz brand new awesome book A Photographer's Life. It is SO TOTALLY AWESOME! My daughter told me it is inappropriate for her little eyes. WHAT?!?! She then informed me that it has boobies and willys and it's just plain gross. LOL!!! Good girl, you're right, don't look at them. It really is a great book. There are a few pages to read in the front and the rest are her photographs. Just wonderful. I want to be her when I grow up. I mean, how totally awesome would that be for famous/rich people to seek you out for your expert talent? Wouldn't that just ROCK!?
On another note we painted and decorated Babygirl's room this weekend and the curtains (same packing, same color, same company) are two different lengths. *sigh* I'll take pics, it's worth a good laugh. She is happy that it looks like a girl room finally. Although last night was her first night sleeping there and she ended up sleeping with us because of a dreaded nightmare. She said that two men broke in, one killed Papa and the other one raped her brother. "But they left us alone". How awful is that!?!?!! I blame tv and the media. Poor little kids are exposed to WAY too much violence. I remember when I was a kid there was too much sex and too much violence. Well, there is no such thing as too much sex.....(make love not war) I would rather the kids see people making out and pawing all over each other than blood spattering and people screaming and running in fear. Kinda screwed up if you had to pick the lesser of the two evils... Anyway... She is tucked in and hopefully having sweet little girl dreams tonight.
Speaking of sleep, I am going to go to bed, I'm too pooped to party...


Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Shame on you for having such a busy life with kids and work and not much play...LOL...I understand it totaly and I am always here checking your blog.... Maybe not daily but at least 3 times a week. I enjoy your entries :) You make me smile.

5:22 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

And where can I get this book??? ;)

6:20 AM  
Blogger Cinderella said...

It's a messed up world. I feel badly for the children growing up in today's world, including my own. Between 9/11 and the school shootings it's no wonder our children aren't seeking therapy. Just hold on tight and do the best you can hon. My daughter has the 'girly' room, the butterflies that she wanted, the purple wall, the pretty curtains and where do you think she wants to sleep? Yeah, you guessed it, with ME. lol..

I let her on weekends as a treat for doing well in school but on school nights she has to sleep in her room. It kinda gives her something to look forward to also. We watch movies and stay up late, it's fun =)

Hope you have a great week, and sweet dreams to you and your little one!

9:58 PM  

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