Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Had turned in to a comedy of errors. All I can do is sit back and take it in stride.
WAY back sometime in the beginning of this year a dear friend of mine called to say she was pregnant. Ok what does that have to do with this weekend... bear with me folks.... She wasn't feeling well and thought she was going to be diagnosed with diabetes. Her entire family lives with diabetes and she thought well, it's about time. When the tests came back she was surprised and excited to learn that she was pregnant. With their daughter they had tried for 8 years and they thought they could never get blessed twice. Well they did and anyway....
We went down there to see their new baby boy. We decided to leave Saturday morning but... something was wrong with the hubby's tire so he went in to have it taken care of. What should have taken less than an hour took about 3. Leaving in the morning for a 2 hour trip had us arriving at their house at 4. That wasted most of Saturday. Ok, No biggie, we are planning to get a hotel so we will see them Sunday as well. The baby slept the whole time we were there, I mean hey that's what babies do....but they had him tucked away in the back bedroom so we didn't see much of him. Their daughter is a trip and we really enjoyed her. I am so glad my kids are big now.... We sent the menfolk out to secure a hotel for the night. They came back rather soon, good. Well, not really so good. We packed up the kids and headed for this Suburban Lodge that the hubby picked (because it was the ONLY one for miles). I got the ooooogiest feeling when we pulled up, and their was a shirtless paunchy pasty nasty man hanging over the balcony smoking a cigar. MMmmK! So maybe that is just a 10:30 smoke and his missus sent him outside to do it.
Well we got in to our "non smoking room". OH MY FREAKIN GOD!!! The mildew was enough to knock you over. Babygirl was going to read and pulled out one of the pillows. It had mascara on it, she turned it over only to find a big HUGE wet what looked to be a juice stain on the pillow. I pulled out "my" pillow, more stains, pulled out the other two and OH HELL NO!!! We are not staying here!!! We packed it all up and headed for the beach, figuring there will be something there on a hot Saturday night. So while we were checking out of Skank-o-Rama we watched no less that 4 drug deals go down.
MMmmmK! We headed toward the ocean. First 3 hotels were booked, 4th one had one double bed..... FINALLY we came upon our hotel, clean room on the 7th floor round about MIDNIGHT! We went up got settled in and drifted off to~~~insomnia land! Yep no sleep to be had by me...or the hubby. Sure he drifted off but nothing deep and meaningful. We got the kids up and headed out of the room at check out AFTER the maids opened the door, LOL! Headed back to their house after getting something to eat. The baby was asleep again tucked away so we couldn't play with him. When we finally got to leave, their little girl cried and didn't want tia and tio to go yet. She is so sweet!!! Were less than 15 miles from home and guess what. Yep we got pulled over. 88 in a 70. My daughter bless her little wonderful heart got a pic to prove it, LOL!!!
O.K. I am reposting this today so you can see the pics below that coinside with this post...


Blogger Lisa said...

Ok, I know it's not nice to laugh at other people's misfortune.....But ROFL!!!!

I'm at least glad you got to see your friends. :-)

11:32 PM  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

What a bugger of a weekend :( I laughed at your expense though, coz if it aint happenin to you it'd be happenin to us here , :)
I had trouble with upload of pics via blogger last week for abour 4 days, persist and it will right itself..wehn IT wants to , LOL

1:06 AM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

All I can do is laugh at it so I kind of expect everyone else to, LOL!!! I think we will stay home this coming weekend...

7:40 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

OMG what a horrid hotel experience, yet if you can find some humor in it, good for you woman!!!!!

bleck........I wouldn't have been able to sleep after that in another hotel either....I'd be crying for my own bed....

8:33 AM  
Blogger Big Mama said...

Oh Andrea, all I wanted to do was go home and sleep in my own bed!!! Hotels sure aren't what they used to be. Oh and to not sleep cost us upwards of $170.00!!! UGH!

10:10 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

And do you see why I have OCD???

On Dateline they had this show where they took those weird lights and showed all the "stains" in a hotel room. Remember, NEVER EVER use the comforter of the bed in hotels. They are LOADED with ummm...."stains"....AND------it's proven that hotels NEVER---I repeat, ....NEVER wash their comforters...only their sheets and pillow cases....(if you're lucky!)

Inspect EVERYTHING in a hotel. Sorry you had a rough time! Hope things are going well!

10:51 AM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Sounds like you had one of my weekends. :)
Have a great week!

11:01 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Ok, I'm gonna' comment again, but all in one spot.

A. Thanks for reposting the pics!

B. Great shot!! Your daughter may have a career as a photo journalist if she had the presence of mind to take a pic. Of course, she wasn't worrying about how to pay for the ticket, so she was probably thinking clearer. lol


D. Cute, Cute, Cute!!! But does he change diapers too??

E. Hmmmm....they look really good together....give 'em 15 years or so and who knows....

F. I refer you to the above comment...I can defintely see these two as sister in laws

G. Notice Dad is smiling and mom looks tired. Some things are universal. LOL

2:16 AM  
Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Way cool pics all fo them, :)

9:12 PM  

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